Two men, Major Henry Terrill (Charles Bickford) and Rufus Hannassey (Burl Ives), each the head of their respective clans, feud over water rights. The major has a daughter (Carroll Baker) that has fallen in love with a sea captain James McKay (Gregory Peck.) James McKay's father owns a shipping company. This looks like a perfect match.
Shortly but surely we see on insight to the man about to be married. At the same time he gets a good glimpse of the major and Rufus Hannassey. It does not take us long to size up the situation. James refused to play the game. He won't get mad at hazing, won't write the wild hors on their time, and he won't get lost (I suspect he can calculate reveres azimuth.) And this is a big country.
There are many other notable characters in this movie including the owner of "the Big Muddy" (Jean Simmons) where the water is. The Majors right hand man (Charlton Heston). And what is a western with out the idiot son (Chuck Connors).
Pay attention to the love interest and the music.
This movie would give a Greek tragedy a run for its money.
Will Major Henry and Rufus Hannassey settle their differences or will the settle James McKay's hash?
Two men, Major Henry Terrill (Charles Bickford) and Rufus Hannassey (Burl Ives), each the head of their respective clans, feud over water rights. The major has a daughter (Carroll Baker) that has fallen in love with a sea captain James McKay (Gregory Peck.) James McKay's father owns a shipping company. This looks like a perfect match.
Shortly but surely we see on insight to the man about to be married. At the same time he gets a good glimpse of the major and Rufus Hannassey. It does not take us long to size up the situation. James refused to play the game. He won't get mad at hazing, won't write the wild hors on their time, and he won't get lost (I suspect he can calculate reveres azimuth.) And this is a big country.
There are many other notable characters in this movie including the owner of "the Big Muddy" (Jean Simmons) where the water is. The Majors right hand man (Charlton Heston). And what is a western with out the idiot son (Chuck Connors).
Pay attention to the love interest and the music.
This movie would give a Greek tragedy a run for its money.
Will Major Henry and Rufus Hannassey settle their differences or will the settle James McKay's hash?
BDP-S790は 2 系統の
HDMI 出力端子があり、ビデオ機器、オーディオ機器に独立して入力できます。今後真価を問われる 2K/4K アップコンバート機能もあります。2D/3D 対応 WiFi 対応で、アメリカでの本体部分の価格は2万5千円ぐらいです。これだけだと、あれこれできても結局基本性能は低いのではと、最初とても心配でした。これまで使っていたパイオニアのブルーレイプレーヤー BDP LX-91 や BDP LX-55と比較してみると、LX-91との比較では、テレビ画面全面にわたる解像度、色再現の正確さ、5.1ch音声の
分解能や粒子の細かさなどで多少は違いが感じられます。しかし再生音にメリハリがあること、ダイナミックで、特にセンタースピーカーの力強さという点で、決して負けていない個性があります。LX-55とは3D画像を比較しましたが、私の目では違いは分かりませんでした。音もLX-55とでは差はありません。次に値段が倍増している理由で、この製品の最大の売りは、Multi-System というアメリカの会社がブルーレイのマルチリージョン化とDVDのリージョン・フリー化を付加価値としてつけていることです。私がこれを購入した理由も、「海の上のピアニスト」を是非ブルーレイで鑑賞したかったからでした。アマゾンで探すと、日本版やUSA版はなく、
イタリア版のBDがあることが分かり:La Leggenda Del Pianista Sull'Oceano [Italian Edition] (2013)、amazon USAで購入しました。このリージョンBのBDをなんとかして見たいとの衝動が強く、不安を感じながらも勇気を振り絞って、発注しました。注文の翌日に配達された本機は、薄くスリムで、指でつまめるほど軽く、重いLX-91に慣れているとまともに動作するか不安でした。しかし取説通りにすると、リージョン変更操作や
HDMI 2系統の接続などすべてすいすいと決まり、拍子抜けでした。私が最も気に入っているライブコンサートのBDである、
Berlin Concert: Live From Waldbuhne [Blu-ray] [Import] をかけても、LX-91にも負けない会場の熱気を、生々しく伝えてくれました。基本性能もよく、世界中の音楽・映画ソースが、ダイナミックにすべて見られる本機は、どなたにとっても絶対のお勧め品だと思います。
Two men, Major Henry Terrill (Charles Bickford) and Rufus Hannassey (Burl Ives), each the head of their respective clans, feud over water rights. The major has a daughter (Carroll Baker) that has fallen in love with a sea captain James McKay (Gregory Peck.) James McKay's father owns a shipping company. This looks like a perfect match.
Shortly but surely we see on insight to the man about to be married. At the same time he gets a good glimpse of the major and Rufus Hannassey. It does not take us long to size up the situation. James refused to play the game. He won't get mad at hazing, won't write the wild hors on their time, and he won't get lost (I suspect he can calculate reveres azimuth.) And this is a big country.
There are many other notable characters in this movie including the owner of "the Big Muddy" (Jean Simmons) where the water is. The Majors right hand man (Charlton Heston). And what is a western with out the idiot son (Chuck Connors).
Pay attention to the love interest and the music.
This movie would give a Greek tragedy a run for its money.
Will Major Henry and Rufus Hannassey settle their differences or will the settle James McKay's hash?