TV吹替音声収録版DVD(以下DVDと表記)との差異についてですが、PART1はDVDでは短縮版エンドロールで"Back in Time"で終わるように編集されていました。Blu-rayでは本編はモノラルですが1h51m39sから音声がなぜかステレオになります。
タイトルの件はその予告部分に「COMING SUMMER 1990」が復活したことを意味しています。過去発売した通常のDVDでは無かった。
A most delightful read, not just in the details of his life before and in show business, his battle with Parkinson's and how he has chosen to face it, but in the general air of how he "talks" in this his autobiography.
His not having used a ghostwriter is evident--reading it is like having Alex Keaton come to life, with the warmth, the humanity, the wit, sometimes silly sense of humour, even self-deprecation. Candid all throughout, without artificially trying to tug at our heart strings, and without being depressing, even at his worst times. All this disarming the reader, further endearing the man to us.
One ends the book with not just a renewed admiration for Michael, but with a full realisation that his healthy outlook, even when he was at his weakest, is the source of his inner fortitude.
Impeccably pleasant read. Among the best contemporary biographies out there.
本の内容は素晴らしいのですが、「ラッキーマン」同様、もう少しわかりやすく素直な日本語になおしてもらえないかなと思う箇所多くて、読んでいて疲れる本になっているのが残念です。 私が原文を読めれば評価は★★★★★でしょう。