生後7ヶ月の子供に美しい日本語を聞かせたいと思い購入しました。 四季折々のバラエティ豊かな曲目が収録されており、内容には満足です。 ただ、全体的に演奏がショボいのが気になります。 フルオーケストラで壮大に!とは言いませんが、ピアノ一台だけの曲などはあまりにも寂しく、もう少しなんとかならなかったのだろうかと思いました。 だからこそこのボリュームでこの値段なのかもしれませんが…。
A rich brat (Freddy Bartholomew) is dysfunctional due to his environment. There is always Sheryl Temple type stories of some kid being orphaned and mistreated. Luckily this is not one of those movies. Everyone except the kid has a full understanding of the problem and good solutions. The school authorities say that he has good potential, His father takes a direct interest and it was just unforeseen circumstances that changed his life. He falls off the ship and is rescued by a fisherman. He must stay on board for the duration of the season. This makes a natural environment to learn bonding and character.
It is not the outcome, but the process, which intrigues us and some unforgettable acting by Spencer Tracy.